For the majority of riders (Zwifters notwithstanding) we have to fight the mental battle as well as the physical to keep their training on track over the winter months. Staring at a wall or TV instead of a beautiful countryside or an epic climb can make an hour ride feel like at least three times as long.
Instead, most of us are lucky to find some space in a bedroom or lounge and hook ourselves up to an iPad to load up Zwift or Trainer Road.
However, there are some out there that have purpose built pain caves that defy the imagination. Spaces that make you want to stay in the zone for just that little bit longer. I’ve recently built my own pain cave and the difference it’s made to my off season indoor training has been immense.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most inspiring pain caves out there.
What do you guys think of that list? If you have anything you think we’ve missed, drop it in the comments below. I’m always looking for new and inspiring indoor set ups to perve over.